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Servicing All Japanese Models | Free Estimates | Experienced Technicians

Servicing All Japanese Models

Free Estimates

Experienced Technicians

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Save Money on Your Next Visit

When you bring your vehicle to LexService, we're more affordable than if you take it to the dealership. However, we want to give you the most value for your dollar, which is why we also offer you special discounts.

Give us a call to schedule an appointment and experience the great customer service from our experienced, honest technicians.

Free Estimates on All Auto Services

Call to schedule your appointment today!

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(310) 517-0293

(310) 517-0293

Due for 30,000, 60,000 or 90,000 Mile Service?

Call Today!

$10 OFF
Get $10 OFF your next tire purchase from LexService.
Must purchase at least two tires.
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Minor scheduled maintenance service for just $52.99 (plus $4.50 waste disposal fee) at LexService. This service costs $125 at a dealership! 5K, 10K, 20K, 25K, 35K, 40K, 50K, 55K, 65K, 70K, 80K, 85K
Non-synthetic oil only. Up to 5 quarts. With this coupon only. Not valid with any other offer.
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Due for 30,000, 60,000 or 90,000 Mile Service?

Call Today!

$10 OFF
Get $10 OFF your next tire purchase from LexService.
Must purchase at least two tires.
Use This Coupon
Minor scheduled maintenance service for just $52.99 (plus $4.50 waste disposal fee) at LexService. This service costs $125 at a dealership! 5K, 10K, 20K, 25K, 35K, 40K, 50K, 55K, 65K, 70K, 80K, 85K
Non-synthetic oil only. Up to 5 quarts. With this coupon only. Not valid with any other offer.
Use This Coupon
"The best auto shop I've ever visited. Exactly what you want from a mechanic at a lot less price versus the dealership. Very professional and friendly staff. I highly recommend." - James C via Google
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